Thursday, August 13, 2015

That's Why I'm Walkin'

What does one do when barely able to jog 5 kilometers after recovering from knee surgery and a year of not running?

Sign up to walk 100 kilometers. 
With three other girls. 
No it's not a relay, we are ALL walking 100 kilometers. 
That's 62.1 miles. 
In the hills of Perth. 
On trails. 
In the dark! 

 I've ticked of long distances before:
42 kilometers (26.2 miles) x 3 
50 kilometers (31 miles)
113.1 kilometers (70.3) miles swan, biked, and ran
321.9+ kilometers (200+ miles) across 30 hours running in the backwoods of South Carolina in a running relay.

But I think this 100 kilometers might be one of my biggest challenges. Never have I been on my feet for 30 hours of activity straight. And I'm scared of the dark...

I'm one quarter of #123, Team Americanas. In case you couldn't guess, we're all transplants, but you can read about us on our team page. I've never trained to hike. Walking takes a long time. Ashley, Amanda, Bea and I are logging our miles... the dark and in the "cold"...
...crossing rivers ...
 ...climbing hills...
...but luckily we have had some amazing views out in the bush.

But the important thing, beyond the physical challenge, is that it's for a good cause. Oxfam is an organization helping people to help themselves out of poverty. If I've learned anything in Australia, it's how fortunate I am to be able to travel and live a life not having to worry where my next meal is coming from. Or if the only water I have to drink will kill me. We're hoping to raise $2,000. If you have a few spare dollars, feel free to donate to our team here But please don't feel obligated. Positive thoughts and motivation are needed just as much!

October 9th the challenge begins. I hope the kangaroos and bandicoots don't get us!


  1. Sooooo, what kinds of Aussie varmints are wandering through those woods, especially in the dark? Not lions, tigers or bears, but probably even more deadly. Four transplants better get some advice/training from the locals before this big event! And does your medical insurance cover recovery from the forest? Just a concerned Dad!

  2. yay. walking all over york and scarborough -- can't wait to rejoin preparations in perth
