Saturday, August 24, 2013

It goes a little like this

It’s no surprise that every conversation I’ve had with people I’ve met or seen in the past months has ended up on the topic of my moving to Perth. The conversation has become pretty standardized with little variation. It goes a little like this…

 “Where in Australia are you moving to?”
“Curtin University in Perth. It’s on the Western coast of Australia, far, far away from everything else. Head east from Perth, and it’s about 3,000 miles to Sydney, head west and the first land you hit is Madagascar. It’s closer to Bali than Sydney.”

“What does your family think?”
“My dad is planning his visit already, and my mom thinks it’s a great adventure, I just better come back to the US in two years.”

“My [insert distant relative or acquaintance’s name here] went there. They loved it! But I’m not sure where…”
“It was probably on the east coast. That’s where most of the people are: Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne.”

 “What will you be doing?”
“I will be doing research on physical activity and mostly children. They have lots of data, so I’ll primarily be a little writing monkey. Eventually, I’ll also get to teach undergraduate classes one day a week as the crazy American professor.”

“I’ve always wanted to go there. I’ll come visit you!”
This is often followed by, “If I only had the money for the flight, It’s so expensive!” “That’s a looooonnnng flight to get there.” “If you fly me there in your private jet.” “Maybe I’ll take a cruise ship there.” “All visitors are welcome [well almost everyone]. All you have to do is get there, and your room and board will be taken care of. You can always take a raft and float over.”

“Watch out for the sharks! [spiders, snakes, fish, kangaroos, etc]”
“Yup, good thing I’m not an animal person.” Australia is home to many of the most deadliest animals in the world including the box jellyfish (most poisonous animal in the world), taipan snake (most poisonous snake in the world ), blue ringed octopus, cone snails, stone fish, saltwater crocodiles, red-back spiders, and great white sharks to name a few. I could live in a plastic bubble, but considering millions of people survive among these animal demons, I think I’ll be ok. Note to self: watch out for creepy, crawly things, and fins cutting through the water during my surfing lessons.”

“You are going to have an amazing adventure and this is the time to do it. Are you excited?”
“I hope so, and definitely! It will certainly be an adventure.” I was speaking with a colleague who moved from Britain to Australia to complete her PhD. Before she left the UK, she was having second thoughts and almost convinced herself not to go. One day, on the train home, she saw a billboard  for a travel agency with a picture of an old woman with the caption, “Remember that time we almost went to Turkey…” I don’t want to say, “Remember that time I almost moved to Australia…” Now is the time. Go big or go home.

 “You’ll find a tall Australian cowboy there to marry.”  
“That’s not why I’m going.” I must clear any rumors. I am not going to Australia to find a husband. Rather, it is a once in a lifetime experience to travel the world, see new places and people, not to mention an opportunity to learn new skills and network for my career. But if I do come across a younger Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe or Craig Alexander, who knows what could happen?

1 comment:

  1. I don't know who Craig Alexander is, but he is far less attractive than Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe. Stick with younger versions of them.

    Your friendly neighborhood Will.
