Monday, May 19, 2014

Cinco de Mayo + two weeks

Moving on from Portugeuse to un poco Spanish...

 When you take about 4 weeks traveling the world, it's amazing how far behind you can get on blogging! Before I show you the wanderings up north towards Broome, I will show you how we celebrated Cinco de Mayo in Perth (while it's still May!). Apparently, Cinco de Mayo isn't known about around these parts. It's also a bit tricky to explain to the Aussies. 

What is it? 
A battle the Mexicans won over the French and it's NOT their independence day. 

How do you celebrate it? 
Tacos and tequila.

(insert confused look, but willing for an excuse to celebrate)

Luckily I've met some awesome Americans who know what I'm talking about. And have the skills to make burritos and pinatas.

This is Miguel Pablo.
He hung pretty nicely by his body.
He was quite resistant to our blows with a broom handle, chair, and eventually took his death blow from a rolling pin.
 He was stuffed with Aussie candy, including Fantails. This Charleston Chew-esque candy has wrappers with detailed facts about famous people. Enough to keep us entertained (and chewing) for 10 minutes.

And it wouldn't be Cinco de Mayo without margaritas and a mariachi man, beautifully colored by Kenny et al. But beware, when looking for limes on the many citrus fruits of Perth, Mandarin oranges can also have green rinds.

1 comment:

  1. Here I thought Cinco de Mayo celebrated the invention of the Margarita ...strawberry to be exact :-)
