Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Two Sides of a Coin

This past weekend was bookended by two concerts, both under the Southern Cross on Orion's Belt, both packed with WA's finest rubbing elbows, both were stellar performances, and both were free (it pays to know important people in high places ;)).

The weekend started off with Opera in the Park (which you might remember from last year). A lovely summer evening (well I guess technically autumn) in the park, Perth's glowing skyline as the backdrop, good friends and scrumptious nibbles complete with dried figs and Vietnamese pork rolls made with Thai chicken, oh, and an opera.

This year was Barber of Seville. The second half of the story left something to be desired. No one died, there were no physical fights, and the Barber didn't actually DO anything. It was classic opera, brilliant trills, lulling melodies, and what can I say, everything sounds better in Italian.

And this was the second concert...

The weekend closed with an American rock flair: Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters.  While I'm not the biggest hard rock fan, some of their big hits were regulars on Q105 growing up in the 860. Remember this one?

 And they are performers. The drummer could have been mistaken for Animal, the muppet.

And for those of you who think Dave Grohl is a hard core rocker or that Perth is too far away, he had to move the Perth show that he could fly back to the states immediately after the Adelaide show to be home for a Father-Daughter dance and then immediately fly back to Perth. I can hear you "Awwwww's" from here.

The music may have been a bit different, but both concerts drew out thousands of adoring fans...

 ...and had dapper leading men.

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