Monday, March 23, 2015

Return of the Sculptures

It's that time of the year again, time for Sculptures by the Sea. The time in "autumn" when Cottesloe beach is turned into a display of local and international art all made accessible to the public. You'll even find 96fm's favorite breakfast anchor paid the art a visit.

While there was no giant goon bag as the talk of the city this year, the event didn't go by with no snafus. First, someone must have underestimated the tides of the Indian Ocean and a couple of statues were "in" the sea instead of "by the sea". Secondly, in the video, you'll see kids boncing on the "water dreaming" balls. THis is what it looked like when I got there.

But the rest of the art inspired conversations (what is that supposed to be) and thousands of photos. It ranged from the abstract to the more natural with a little of everything in between.

 I found these weird faced babies a little strange. 

How would you like the job of polishing those tooshies?

 My highlights this year were the "roo shooter" and "ashes to ashes" and a piece of the sea.

When it's easy to get caught up in cleaning & shopping, traffic & road rage, and the week ahead, a few beautiful things on the beach help us all to slow down on Sunday and be amazed and a little confused.

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