Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pedaling Perth

I was waiting for 19 minutes for a train in the Perth Underground yesterday, when I heard a PSA come on about 30 minutes of physical activity. It turns out this month is Walk Over October and next week is ride to work day. Since I"ll probably be avoiding the bike paths with extra people (there are already too many people on them for my high bike-fellow cyclist-pedestrian anxiety), I find it very appropriate to share my cycling commute before it becomes much shorter when I move. Previously a closeted anti-cycling commuter (it seemed so much effort), it is so much more pleasant than taking public transport, and what's wrong with a little extra physical activity?

Compared to Columbia, South Carolina,  College Park, Maryland, and Southeastern Connecticut, Perth is very bike friendly. I am able to ride almost 30 kilometers to Curtin and stay on dual use paths or bike lanes for 95% of the time.
Along the City to Sea greenway

Through the city and a friendly reminder to "Keep Left" (which I need!)

 Cyclist and pedestrian paths split along the South Perth shore.

 Through the burbs of Subiaco. (The perfect picture for Complete Streets!)
Almost home.

 Should you venture off the paths, there are marked routes all around Perth. They can be a little tricky to follow, as I seemed to lose the signs last week and ended up not where I thought I was.

People of all speeds and levels of lycra join the pedaling flurry. I wish I could have gotten a picture of a pack of MAMILs (middle aged men in lycra), but it was already dodgey enough stopping in the path to share my cycling journey.
Some extra thoughts to ponder along the route.

I'll never know what it feels like to cruise past the world's best in the Tour de France peloton, but this morning when I passed the old lady in the floral swimsuit on the beach cruiser, I felt like I deserved a yellow jersey. But reaching my final destination in one piece is reward enough for me, and check out our super cycle office!

The ride home at night can seem to drag on, up Douglas St, cruising along the river in South Perth, through the city, weaving through Subiaco, up the hills through Perry Lakes. But as I race the sun, the colors of the sunset beckon my legs to keep pedaling, because I know on the other side of the hill is a beautiful sunset over the Indian Ocean to accompany me on the last few flat miles home.

 Floreat Beach at dawn and dusk, the start and end of my rides, just about 12 hours apart.

Beach, river, and city views in one ride. Not a bad view from a bike :)

Note: Thank you to Leon for generously letting me borrow his sweet bike!

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