Thursday, October 17, 2013

Time for Work

 Find a job you like and you add five days to every week. 
-H Jackson Brown Jr.

Now that you've seen my new home, it's time to show you my other home, also known as where I work. Considering I signed my contract without ever visiting Curtin, I showed up crossing my fingers that the building would be liveable and not a basement dungeon with cinderblock walls and old exercise equipment holding up walls like so many exercise science departments seem to be.

This is Building 408, the School of Business as well as Physiotherapy & Exercise Science. That huge tower thing is some type of water heating/cooling device that was ugly, so they decided to put some "art" on it to make it less ugly...

I share an office with one to three other people depending on the day of the week. Here are the fine scholars and researchers of 3508. I believe both Emily and Rachel are on maternity leave and I've never met them. Come to think of it, there's not even space for them if they were to be here.
It's a typical child physical activtiy intervention storeroom with boombox, a various assortment of balls, and these wonderful toys. I think we may just need to test them out one slow afternoon.

We have a nice reception area that's primary purpose (at least from what I can tell) is to dispense all the extra lemons people bring and chocolates to buy for $1. There's a little kitchenette to self-serve morning and afternoon tea on our floor and another on the fourth floor in the staff lounge. The staff lounge has a lovely balcony, complete with kumquat tree, where you can see straight to the city (and see my apartment building!).

In the hallway outside our office there is a lovely selection of art work.

(Slightly disturbing, and the one in the middle is full of shark teeth.)

Thus far, everyone in the department is mostly friendly. People have popped in to introduce themselves and have a chat. Like any department, especially one with broad teaching and research interests, people find their own niches and only interact with a smile, "How ya goin", or nod as they pass in the hallway. But everyone showed up in full numbers for a lunch time fundraiser, complete with hats.
I did not wear a hat (I blamed it on the fact that I still hadn't unpacked my suitcase, and my hat was buried deep). But I did partake in consuming some surprisingly delightful pumpkin soup.

Who wouldn't want to work here?

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